Where can I find a source for ReDox Signaling Molecules?

At the time of this publication, the only source of ReDox Signaling Molecules that I know of is through a company called ASEA.
I have set up a website so that you can easily get this information.
Here's the site: http://www.teamasea.com/richrotfort/

Friday, November 9, 2012

Redox Signaling in Adult Stem Cell Biology

Indeed, consolidated evidences highlight the importance of redox signalling in the homeostasis of fundamental processes in cell adaptive biology and particularly in controlling the balance between self-renewal and differentiation of stem cells.

In the presented study we investigated the effect of DFX and DFO on the redox homeostasis of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) in order to get insights on the differential effect of iron chelators in rescuing altered hematopoiesis.

Redox signaling, mediated by ROS production and likely triggered by changes in the environmental oxygen tension, appears to be essential in regulating HSC self-renewal and preservation of pluripotency

Source of this article

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Information about Redox Signaling Molecules

I'll search the literature to bring you current information on Redox Signaling Molecules